The Meaning of Life Scarf Collection by Amada Lily
Amada Lily is the name of a collaboration between Jeffly, her sister Vanessa and her mother Maggie. This collaboration began with Maggie's arrival to the United States and the desire to create something as a family. Amada Lily’s first and only scarf collection, titled The Meaning of Life, was inspired by feelings of hope, love, memory and loss. Jeffly's artwork combines moments of everyday life with surreal elements that she often uses in her work.
The collection only features 4 designs and each scarf is one in an edition of 32.
Bird & Tale Tee Collection by Brad Stumpf
In 2019, Jeffly and her husband Brad Stumpf founded Bird & Tale. Bird & Tale was an online and physical platform that promoted artists, designers, and artisans from around the world. The company also invested in the development of new ideas that could be reproduced ethically in the U.S. Bird & Tale’s Tee collection features original drawings by Brad.
Each design comes in sizes XS - XL. Only a few tees were printed for each size.